Ayurvedic Consultation and Diagnosis

Ayurvedic Pulse diagnosis determines the proportion of the three Dosha in you (all three Dosha are in all of us in varying proportions and one Dosha usually predominates).

A Dosha may be aggravated (in excess), deficient, or so-called normal. We are usually most concerned with an aggravated Dosha as this may lead to many of the negative aspects of that Dosha and to dis-ease, disturbance, and further aggravation or deficiency of other Dosha.

Painting by Paulina Salmenhaara

An Ayurvedic Pulse diagnosis determines two Dosha readings.

The first is your Prakriti or the way the Dosha are represented in you at the time of birth – this is your natural and true state. It is unique to you. It is your home. The second is your Vikriti or current state, which may vary from your Prakriti resulting in a build up of toxins and excess Dosha, and an un-natural state.

By looking at the variation between these two readings we get a road map that shows us where you have come from (Prakriti), where you are now (Vikriti), and also where you are heading (tendencies for physical/psychological disturbance etc). Subtle disturbances now can indicate future tendencies for problems and these can be addressed before they manifest in physical or mental dis-ease. We are able to determine what life-style, diet, and other factors may have caused your current state of Vikriti and to devise a plan to return to your natural Prakriti. Short-term treatment may be recommended for a period of time to help remove the excess Dosha/toxins in the system and more quickly bring you back to your Prakriti (home).

The readings also allow an understanding of your Prakriti, because even though this state is natural for you it will not be ‘perfect’ (the word Dosha means fault or corruption and we are all born with Dosha).

This knowledge of Prakriti will help you to understand your inherent weaknesses and strengths and tendencies. Careful management of your life based on this knowledge allows you to build stability and develop the awareness and discipline required to live naturally and adapt to the ever-changing environment. This life-style management continues for the rest of your life.

pulse reading close up

An Ayurvedic consultation takes place in the early morning when it is quiet and calm and with no food taken since the previous day.

You need to read the consultation procedures to ensure you are prepared for the consultation and know what to expect. Then print out and fill in a Daily Lifestyle evaluation form and bring this with you to the consultation. Bring copies of any recent medical reports.

A period of discussion will ensure you understand the fundamentals of Ayurveda and your evaluation report will be examined. Then the pulse will be read determining the Dosha. This will be explained briefly. A food list will be recommended containing food items that will pacify the appropriate Dosha and some guidelines on lifestyle will be given.

The focus initially is on the three pillars of life: food, exercise, and sleep. Further Lifestyle adjustments tend to be discussed in more detail in subsequent follow-up consultations once you have had more time to take in and work on the information given in the first consultation.

At the end of your consultation a short report with recommendations will be given to you to take away. Asking questions at this consultation and also when you go back home is welcomed as it is important you understand what you need to do and the reasons why.

It is totally up to you how deeply you wish to apply what you have learned and taking responsibility for this is your decision alone. We are here to support you and guide you as teachers but it is you that will need to manage your day to day diet and routines.

You can commence on the correct Dietetics (correct food for you) from day one and within a short time on the recommended individual program. This may include herbal formulas, massage therapy, and Yoga for Dosha therapy. All of this is woven into a specific program that suits you as an individual. No single treatment as suggested can help you totally, but abiding strictly to the full program will bring you better control, management, and eventual total recuperation and recovery from the imbalanced state.

Your progress is continuously monitored through detailed and regular feedback allowing advice, support and adjustments to the treatment and life-style regimen to be given where necessary. This is a vital aspect of treatment and you are recommended to use the feedback form and return it once per week and also keep a detailed diary of activities, moods, diet; anything and everything that may be affecting you positively or negatively.

Read about why Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis is only done in the early morning.

Read more about Ayurveda.