What is Ayurvedic Pulse Reading (Naadi parikshai)?

Firstly those wanting to study or understand this subject matter need to know that this is not some otherworldly or psychic or mind-reading or magic! It is a science and an art, put together, that could be learned, understood and put to practice, so long as one follows the correct path or way to do this. It can be ‘rocket science ‘ for the uninitiated but for the initiated, it is knowledge understood and experienced.


Pulse Reading
Pulse Reading

Keep things in their own place and perspectives. One does not keep the shoes they have just used walking around outside in the refrigerator nor do we store food in the shoe cupboard. What is of the body is of the body and what is of the mind is of the mind. For example the body can only move at a particular pace with its own instruments but the mind can travel thousands of kilometres in a second! Another example is that the hunger experienced in a dream-state cannot be appeased by eating after waking up (or vice versa). So keep things where they should be, as this is the first of lessons.

We all experience regularly different degrees of the gross and of the subtle but the more we are aware of the differences the sooner knowledge will become manifest. Utilising the gross to understand and experience the gross and using the subtle to understand and experience the subtle is the key to understanding not only Ayurvedic Pulse reading but all other sciences of the Ancients.

The purpose of this reading is to recognise and interpret the flow of Prana throughout the body and mind so as to understand the physiological and psychologic state of that body and mind. Where Prana flows freely, there would be vibrant health and stability but if blocked for whatever reason or purpose, it means dis-ease or death.

Using the radial artery as a point of reference and evaluation, the status of Prana flowing through the 3 Dosha can be realised and accessed. Do take note that the pulse one usually feels is that of the beat of the heart. As we have only one heart, the pulse should be one too. This is when the gross is used to identify the gross. However if the same is carried out by using the subtle to read and access the pulse, then more than one reading can be realised.

What is this gross reading the gross and the subtle reading the subtle! One who is in the 3 dimensional world can experience the 1st and 2nd dimensions as well but not the 4th or beyond. So one has to be at that particular dimension to experience that dimension.

Prana is considered to be the subtlest of the subtle and in order to understand and experience this, one has to be in that state too. It is the degree and rate of flow of Prana through the radial artery that we need to experience.

How can one be in a state of the subtle and yet be conscious? This is what correct meditation practice offers. Being able to hold on to the total single pointed concentration for an extended period of time will help arrest thoughts. When there is no-thought then there is no-mind. When there is no-mind then there is no-ego too. This is the stage where we experience ourselves as the ‘ocean’ and no longer the ‘wave’. This is the stage we need to prepare ourselves to be in before we can begin the practise of pulse reading. One can begin to then ‘read’ the pulse or naadi.

What are the qualifications needed by an aspirant/student to recognise, read and interpret the various beats or the flow of Prana in order to define Prakriti and Vikriti?

1. Have a strong personal spiritual practice.
2. Be able to quickly experience total single-pointed concentration.
3. When at the stage of no-thoughts, then one can begin to start the subtle dialogue between the student and teacher or practitioner.
4. Subtle is then able to communicate with the subtle through the medium of the fingers of the practitioner and the rate of flow of Prana of the student or patient.
5. Ensure ones attitude, intent and purpose are all correct before embarking on this act of pulse reading.

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